Owasso WWTP and Main LS
Owasso, OK
Crossland Heavy Contractors took on the Owasso Wastewater Treatment Plant Project to upgrade and expand the existing facilities to accommodate the population growth of the City of Owasso, which is one of the fastest growing cities in the state of Oklahoma. Due to the life expectancy of the existing equipment as well as increasing the overall plant efficiencies, the scope included multiple key structures that would have a direct impact on the capacity of the plant. The major structures included a new Aeration Basin, Main Pump Station, Headworks, Blower Building, and Digester. The Basin, Digester, Main Pump Station, and Headworks were constructed of cast in-place concrete, while the Blower Building was constructed of masonry to match existing plant buildings. Each of these structures contained wastewater treatment equipment, process piping, instrumentation, and electrical gear.
Additional work on the project included excavations, site piping, equipment installation, electrical work, site concrete, and landscaping. During this contract, over 8,000 CY of concrete were poured, 1.3+ Million pounds of reinforcement were tied, and $3.7 Million in specialized treatment plant equipment was installed. Our crews contributed over 63,000 self-perform man-hours to complete this project – 70% of the total project. Our self perform scope included structural and site concrete, site and process piping, excavations, and equipment installation. The subcontractors in the Owasso area’s construction community contributed demolition, metal building erection, fencing, bypass, asphalt, pipe insulation, electrical, instrumentation, masonry, rod busting, interior specialties, coatings, shoring, and overhead doors.
Project Facts
Industry Sector: Wastewater Treatment Plant
Cost: $21,187,879
Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build / Hard Bid
Self-Perform: Below-Grade Utilities, Yard + Process Piping, Earthwork + Excavations, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Process Equipment Installation
Owner: Owasso Public Works Authority
Engineer: CP&Y, Inc.
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