Griffin Park
Griffin Park Phase 6: Expanding Recreational Spaces in Norman, OK
Norman, OK
When you hear about Griffin Park in Norman, Oklahoma, one number stands out: 21—as in 21 soccer fields.
Half of those fields were part of the $7.1 million Phase 6 of the park’s construction, which included removing the old soccer and baseball fields and installing 11 new soccer fields. In addition to the fields, this phase included the construction of new roads, bathrooms, concession stands, and fencing.
The bathrooms and concession stands feature CMU block and masonry, blending durability with functionality for the park’s visitors.
Weather presented challenges throughout the project, as heavy rains and winter conditions delayed dirt work. To address these issues, Crossland worked closely with the City of Norman, maintaining open communication and providing monthly drone video updates to keep the city informed about progress.
The completion of Phase 6 marked the culmination of the city’s seven-year effort to renovate and enhance Griffin Park. City leaders celebrated this milestone, noting that the project “underscores our dedication to creating exceptional recreational spaces.”
Project Facts
Industry Sector: Community, Municipal
Cost: $7,100,000
Size: 50 Acres, 2,200 SF for buildings
Delivery Method: Construction Management, CM as Constructor
Self-Perform: Steel Erection, Concrete
Owner: City of Norman
Architect: Planning Design Group
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