Park Street Intersection Improvements
Springdale, AR
The City of Springdale embarked on their Downtown Master Plan in 2015 with a goal of building on Downtown Springdale’s unique character to return it to a vibrant center of commerce and creativity. Crossland Heavy Contractors constructed the next step of that Master Plan, the Park Street Intersection Improvements project to reconstruct, align, and improve two busy intersections. The scope of the rehabilitation work included water-line relocation, curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk and intersection, asphalt pavement, drainage improvements, and site furnishings. The improvements not only improve traffic flow but also elevate the aesthetics of the intersections, bringing more rustic charm to Downtown Springdale.
Project Facts
Industry Sector: Transportation
Cost: $2,804,691
Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build / Hard Bid
Self-Perform: Below-Grade Utilities, Earthwork + Excavations
Owner: City of Springdale
Engineer: Garver, LLC
Project Awards:
ABC of Arkansas Excellence in Construction
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